On this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert James Turk, the founder and a director of GoldMoney Network Limited (also known as GoldMoney.com), the operator of a digital gold currency payment system . Mr. Turk discusses his forecast for the economy for 2014, and what it means for you and your money.…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Peter Schiff, an investment broker, author, financial commentator, and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut. Mr. Schiff discusses his forecast for the economy for 2014, and what it means for you and your money. Everything Financial Radio – March 16, 2014 Original Air Date Segment…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Mike “Mish” Shedlock, registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Mr. Shedlock discusses his forecast for the economy for 2014, and what it means for you and your money.. Everything Financial Radio – March 9, 2014 Original Air Date Segment One with Host Dennis…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Chris Martenson, economic researcher and futurist, and co-founder of PeakProsperity.com. Mr. Martenson discusses his forecast for the economy for 2014, as well as the stock market. Everything Financial Radio – February 23, 2014 Original Air Date Segment One with Host Dennis Tubbergen and guest…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff. Laurence J. Kotlikoff is Professor of Economics at Boston University, Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Fellow of the Econometric Society, a former member of the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association, and President of Economic…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Stephen Macaskill. Mr. Macaskill is CEO of Amagi Metals, one of the nation’s first bullion dealers to accept bitcoin as payment for bullion purchases. He is an unapologetic capitalist and is passionate about alternative currencies. Mr. Tubbergen chats with Stephen about central bank…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Dr. A. Gary Shilling. Dr. Shilling explains deleveraging and how this inevitable process will affect the US economy moving ahead. He also discusses the labor force participation rate, demographics, and provides his 2014 investment forecast. Everything Financial Radio – February 2, 2014 Air…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Jeffrey A Tucker, founder and CEO of Libertry.me. He speaks with Mr. Tubbergen about his views on the economy and healthcare, as well as his take on the economy in 2014, both domestically and internationally. Everything Financial Radio – January 26, 2014 Air Date.…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Karl Denninger, finance blogger on Market-Ticker. Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Karl Denninger on future federal reserve policy, his 2014 economic forecast, and his thoughts on the 2014 mid-term elections. Everything Financial Radio – January 19, 2014 Air Date. Segment One with Host Dennis Tubbergen and guest…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Jim Babka, co-founder and President of the Downsize DC Foundation and DownsizeDC.org, Inc. Dennis speaks with Mr. Babka about the state of things in Washington DC, current trends around the country and what they may mean to you, and his thoughts on the…
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