The money supply is shrinking. For the first time since the early 70’s, the FED is shrinking the US money supply; and it’s going down pretty dramatically. Sometime in the next year, the government’s going to be confronted with a dilemma: does it ramp up the money supply at the cost of possibly reigniting inflation…
Read MoreDe-dollarization is happening now. I have no idea how long the US dollar will remain the world reserve currency, but it is coming unraveled at an alarming speed. A thought shared by this week’s guest on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Mr. Mark Jeftovic, in his conversation with your host Dennis Tubbergen. They also discuss the…
Read MoreWhen you look at the FDIC insurance programs that insure bank deposits, the deposit insurance reserve fund has about 170 billion in it to ensure $11 trillion of bank deposits. However, the idea that the insurance fund is there just to protect small depositors is very misleading. The primary duty of a modern central bank…
Read MoreThe dislocation impact of excess currency creation has the currency markets in an extreme situation, such that the U.S. can no longer export our inflation. We’re likely to be much worse off than in 2008. Our guest this week, Mr. Karl Denninger, explains what’s happening with the US dollar and provides his take on the…
Read MoreGlobal debt is around 300 trillion today. At the beginning of this century, it was just under 100 trillion, and it’s gone up three times just in the last 20 years. And over the last 10 years, there’s been a massive growth in derivatives, now estimated to exceed $2 quadrillion. Don’t miss this week’s episode…
Read MoreWhat does the length of hemlines in women’s fashion have to do with trends in the stock market? Discover the answer on this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio program, where your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with our guest Mr. Murray Gunn about what Elliot Wave principle and Socionomics indicate for the future of the markets.…
Read MoreParaphrasing from an article written by Dr. Fauci, where he says that we need a new infrastructure of human existence in which basically we get rid of cities, we get rid of birthday parties, we get rid of sports events, we get rid of bars, restaurants, and all the normal things we consider to be…
Read MoreSince the Great Society programs started, we have provided profound disincentives to people on the right-hand side of the bell curve to have children while simultaneously creating large incentives for people on the left side of that curve. It’s the people on the right side of those curves who are the ones that end up…
Read More“The next few years is when people wake up to the idea that oil is actually structurally in very short supply. And because of that, I think we’re going to have to get ready for 100, 200, $300 a barrel oil.” Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio is Dr. Chris Martenson. He…
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