On this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Mr. Karl Denninger of market-ticker.org. Mr. Tubbergen spoke to Mr. Denninger about medical monopolies and how some Americans are actually getting paid to sign up for Obamacare. Everything Financial Radio – December 7, 2014 Air Date. Everything Financial Radio with Host Dennis Tubbergen and guest Karl Denninger…
Read MoreMr. Philip Howard, author of “The Rule of Nobody” published in April, 2014. Mr. Howard formed the organization Common Good, a non-partisan organization dedicated to restoring common sense to the legal system. Philip K. Howard is a well-known leader of government and legal reform in America. His new book, The Rule of Nobody (W. W. Norton &…
Read MoreMr. Philip Howard, author of “The Rule of Nobody” published in April, 2014. Mr. Howard formed the organization Common Good, a non-partisan organization dedicated to restoring common sense to the legal system. Philip K. Howard is a well-known leader of government and legal reform in America. His new book, The Rule of Nobody (W. W. Norton &…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Mr. Philip Howard, author of “The Rule of Nobody” published in April, 2014. Mr. Howard formed the organization Common Good, a non-partisan organization dedicated to restoring common sense to the legal system. Everything Financial Radio – November 30, 2014 Air Date. Everything Financial Radio with Host Dennis…
Read MoreElliot Wave International Socionomics expert Mr. Alan Hall. Mr. Hall provides an interesting perspective on the relationship between epidemics like the current Ebola epidemic in Africa, stock market performance, and social mood. Mr. Alan Hall received his degree in Fine Arts from Berry College, emerging into the 1970s bear market. He has enjoyed a wide…
Read MoreElliot Wave International Socionomics expert Mr. Alan Hall. Mr. Hall provides an interesting perspective on the relationship between epidemics like the current Ebola epidemic in Africa, stock market performance, and social mood. Mr. Alan Hall received his degree in Fine Arts from Berry College, emerging into the 1970s bear market. He has enjoyed a wide…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Elliot Wave International Socionomics expert Mr. Alan Hall. Mr. Hall provides an interesting perspective on the relationship between epidemics like the current Ebola epidemic in Africa, stock market performance, and social mood. Everything Financial Radio – November 23, 2014 Air Date. Everything Financial Radio with…
Read MoreGuest expert Bill White, former mayor of Houston, Texas and a former gubernatorial candidate in the State of Texas. Mr. White’s recent book, America’s Fiscal Constitution, discusses America’s fiscal heroes who never allowed the country to use debt except for extraordinary circumstances and certainly not for routine expenditures as is being done today. William Howard…
Read MoreGuest expert Bill White, former mayor of Houston, Texas and a former gubernatorial candidate in the State of Texas. Mr. White’s recent book, America’s Fiscal Constitution, discusses America’s fiscal heroes who never allowed the country to use debt except for extraordinary circumstances and certainly not for routine expenditures as is being done today. William Howard…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Bill White, former mayor of Houston, Texas and a former gubernatorial candidate in the State of Texas. Mr. White’s recent book, America’s Fiscal Constitution, discusses America’s fiscal heroes who never allowed the country to use debt except for extraordinary circumstances and certainly not…
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