Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff speaks with host Dennis Tubbergen about the recent Social Security changes. If you aren’t familiar with the changes, several collection strategies are being phased out under a new law passed last month. As of May of 2016, “file and suspend” strategies will no longer be available. http://media.blubrry.com/everything_financial_radio/www.everythingfinancialradio.com/wp-content/uploads/podcast_246.mp3Subscribe: RSS
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Professor Lawrence Kotlikoff about the recent Social Security changes. If you aren’t familiar with the changes, several collection strategies are being phased out under a new law passed last month. As of May of 2016, “file and suspend” strategies will no longer be available. Everything…
Read MoreHost Dennis Tubbergen speaks with two guests this week. One of our guest experts this week on the Everything Financial Radio Program is Mr. Peter Schiff, author of “The Real Crash”. We talk negative interest rates with Mish Shedlock and money market fund risks. We also get Mish’s rather shocking forecast for real estate and stocks. …
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with two guests this week. One of our guest experts this week on the Everything Financial Radio Program, Mr. Peter Schiff, author of “The Real Crash”. Schiff’s official gold news blog We talk negative interest rates with Mish and money market fund risks. We also get Mish’s…
Read MoreGuest expert Mr. Gerald Celente, publisher of “Trends Journal” discusses this topic as well as gold and some politics with host, Dennis Tubbergen. The two agreed that historically speaking commodities are often the “canary in the coal mine”; declining before stocks fall. http://media.blubrry.com/everything_financial_radio/www.everythingfinancialradio.com/wp-content/uploads/podcast_244.mp3 Subscribe: RSS
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with guest expert Mr. Gerald Celente. Gerald Celente, publisher of “Trends Journal” discusses this topic as well as gold and some politics with host, Dennis Tubbergen. The two agreed that historically speaking commodities are often the “canary in the coal mine”; declining before stocks fall. Everything Financial…
Read MoreTwo guests this week! The first is with best-selling author, Harry Dent. We talk with Harry about his predictions for stocks and real estate among other things. His outlook may surprise you. Don’t miss this interview. The second interview of the week is with Mr. Ian Gordon of The Long Wave Group. We discuss with Ian his…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks two guests this week. The first is with best-selling author, Harry Dent. We talk with Harry about his predictions for stocks and real estate among other things. His outlook may surprise you. Don’t miss this interview. The second interview of the week is with Mr. Ian Gordon of…
Read MoreWe have two guests this week! First, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Karl Denninger. Pension plans are earning artificially low yields on bond or fixed-income investments in their portfolios since the Federal Reserve implemented this zero percent interest policy. Yet, actuarial assumptions or assumed growth rates being used by many pension plans are much higher than the…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Karl Denninger. Pension plans are earning artificially low yields on bond or fixed-income investments in their portfolios since the Federal Reserve implemented this zero percent interest policy. Yet, actuarial assumptions or assumed growth rates being used by many pension plans are much higher than the yields…
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