On this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, host Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Karl Denninger and Dr. A Gary Shilling. Karl Denninger is the former CEO of MCSNet, a regional Chicago area networking and Internet company that operated from 1987 to 1998. He has been a full-time trader since 1998, author of The Market Ticker (http://market-ticker.org), a daily market…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Karl Denninger and Dr. A Gary Shilling. Karl Denninger is the former CEO of MCSNet, a regional Chicago area networking and Internet company that operated from 1987 to 1998. He has been a full-time trader since 1998, author of The Market Ticker (http://market-ticker.org), a daily…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Brien Lundin, President of Jefferson Financial. Mr. Lundin publishes and edits “Gold Newsletter” and also host the annual New Orleans investment conference. Dennis gets Brien’s forecast for gold and has Brien explain how the paper gold price can be manipulated. Dennis also visits with legendary Swiss…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, host Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Brien Lundin, President of Jefferson Financial. Mr. Lundin publishes and edits “Gold Newsletter” and also host the annual New Orleans investment conference. Dennis gets Brien’s forecast for gold and has Brien explain how the paper gold price can be manipulated. Dennis also visits with legendary Swiss…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, host Dennis Tubbergen, talks with President of Pento Portfolio Strategies, Mr. Michael Pento about his book, “The Coming Bond Market Collapse”. We discuss how asset bubbles formed as a result of monetary policy will burst and how our listeners may be affected. Dennis also visits with Jay Taylor, publisher of…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, host Dennis Tubbergen, talks with President of Pento Portfolio Strategies, Mr. Michael Pento about his book, “The Coming Bond Market Collapse”. We discuss how asset bubbles formed as a result of monetary policy will burst and how our listeners may be affected. Dennis also visits with Jay Taylor, publisher of…
Read MoreDennis Tubbergen speaks with two guests this week. Mr. Lawrence Reed, President of the Foundation of Economic Education on his recent book “Excuse Me Professor” and Mr. Mike Shedlock on a recent admission by a former Federal Reserve Board Governor that the Fed’s policies have created a stock market bubble. He also discusses the recent stock…
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with two guests this week. Mr. Lawrence Reed, President of the Foundation of Economic Education on his recent book “Excuse Me Professor”. Also, on this program, Dennis interviews Mr. Mike Shedlock on a recent admission by a former Federal Reserve Board Governor that the Fed’s…
Read MoreThe interviews of the week are with Jim Babka of Downsize DC and Andy Friedman, frequent political commentator on CNBC. http://media.blubrry.com/everything_financial_radio/www.everythingfinancialradio.com/wp-content/uploads/podcast_247.mp3 Subscribe: RSS
Read MoreOn this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with two guests this week. The interviews of the week are with Jim Babka of Downsize DC and Andy Friedman, frequent political commentator on CNBC. Everything Financial Radio – December 27, 2015 Air Date. Everything Financial Radio with Host Dennis Tubbergen and Guests Jim Babka and…
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