We have two global problems. The potential bankruptcy, in fact, almost certain bankruptcy of the Eurozone and the ending of the Euro. And at the same time, in America with dollars being printed to create a wealth effect, when that bubble pops the dollar will similarly have virtually no future and probably wipe it out.…
Read MoreWhat we did in 2020 violates every canon of sound economics. Money creation, over the course of 2020, looks just like a hockey stick. It’s terrifying. We got a kind of borrow and print regime going on, and it’s extremely dangerous to capital formation in the future. This perspective from our guest this week, Mr.…
Read MoreThe U.S. economy is extremely sick, terminal in fact, if a doctor were to describe it. Creating more is not going to solve the problem. It is the problem. It’s the reason the economy is so sick, we’d been given a toxic dose of monetary stimulus. We’ve temporarily enriched the few at the expense of…
Read MoreWe are nearing the end of a 90 year supper bubble economic cycle that will see markets, real estate, and even crypto-currencies (including Bitcoin) lose 90-95% of their current value by late 2022… That’s the forecast from this week’s guest on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Mr. Harry Dent. Your host, Dennis Tubbergen talks with Harry…
Read MoreThe U.S. Federal Reserve, in December, just quietly changed the way they were going to report M1 and M2 money supply, stating that reporting would now take place monthly versus weekly, and they were changing the methodology. With the unprecedented amounts of money creation by the Fed and central banks worldwide, the Fed is clearly…
Read More“Our monetary system is out of control, we no longer have the ability to manage it. Central banks around the world have no tools left and it’s going to do what it’s going to do. And we’re just bystanders at this point, watching the train wreck. This is no longer one of those inevitable things,…
Read More“The stock market’s real, inflation-adjusted top, really occurred back in 2000. So most of what we’ve seen since then is just hyperinflation from the printing of dollars. There’s a pattern that we’re tracking…I call it the jaws of death. It looks like a shark’s mouth wide open, ready to gobble up…the economy”. This is the…
Read More“To the extent we are still doing well as a nation is not because of the progressivism or the socialism that our politicians have given us, it’s because of the freedoms and the capitalism we haven’t yet destroyed.” This week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, our guest Mr. Larry Reed discusses with your host Dennis…
Read MoreCash and money in people’s checking accounts are up 51% year over year. That’s a record. Returning guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, John Williams and your host Dennis Tubbergen discuss this trend and others that are leading up to a declining economy and rising inflation. Mr. Williams is a consulting economist who…
Read MoreCould we see Gold hit $8000 plus in 2021? Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio, Mr. Jay Michael Oliver, says that given the continued degradation of money units by central banks abroad and the aggressive money printing policies here in the U.S., which the Fed vowed to continue, we’re entering a bull…
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