Dave Skarica joins host Dennis Tubbergen
On this week’s Everything Financial Radio host Dennis Tubbergen @DennisTubbergen talks with Dave Skarica.
Dave Skarica is an investment wunderkind; at the age of 18, he became the youngest person on record to pass the Canadian Securities Course. Just a year later, he launched his first advisory service, Addicted to Profits, which was ranked fifth (out of 300 financial newsletters) in overall performance by StockFocus.com. In 1999 Dave published his first book, STOCK MARKET PANIC! How to Prosper in the Coming Bear Market. This book provides thought provoking arguments on why the great bull market will end in the most vicious bear market of all time. @DavidSkarica
Everything Financial Radio with host Dennis Tubbergen and guests Dave Skarica.
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