Guest Experts Karl Denninger and Neil Howe with Host Dennis Tubbergen

On this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program,  Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with  Karl Denninger.  Pension plans are earning artificially low yields on bond or fixed-income investments in their portfolios since the Federal Reserve implemented this zero percent interest policy.  Yet, actuarial assumptions or assumed growth rates being used by many pension plans are much higher than the yields actually earned.

Karl believes this may lead to additional pension underfunding problems and will also keep the Federal Reserve from engaging in additional money printing.  It’s an interesting interview and one that you won’t want to miss.

The second interview this week is with Neil Howe, author of The Fourth Turning.  Everything Financial Radio – November 22, 2015 Air Date.

Everything Financial Radio with Host Dennis Tubbergen and Guests Karl Denninger and Neil Howe

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