Guest Expert Ron Paul with Host Dennis Tubbergen

On this week’s Everything Financial Radio Program, Host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Dr. Ron Paul, former congressman and three time presidential candidate.  Dennis chatted with Dr. Paul about his forecast for the US Dollar and his ideas on currency competition. He also got Dr. Paul’s take on the future for stocks and bonds.

Of course, they also talked a little politics with the former congressman.  The conversation was very enlightening and one that you won’t want to miss. Everything Financial Radio – September 21, 2015 Air Date.

Everything Financial Radio with Host Dennis Tubbergen and guest Ron Paul

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Politician Ron Paul has served in the U.S. House of Representatives for Texas multiple times. His politics are a mix of Republican and Libertarian views.

Leading libertarian politician Ron Paul started out in medicine. After graduating from Duke University’s medical school in 1961, Ron Paul soon went on to become a military doctor. He served with the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. National Guard during the 1960s. Paul branched out into politics in the 1970s. Elected to represent Texas, he served in the House of Representatives from 1975 to 1976 and again from 1979 to 1984. Returning to the House again in 1997, Paul served eight more consecutive terms. He has run for president several times during his long political career, most recently as a candidate for the Republican nomination in 2012.

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